What's Your Learning Language?

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The 9 Learning Languages - Howard Gardner's Types of Intelligence

Types of Intelligence
DrAfter123 / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images

Have you ever heard of "Love Languages"? This popular concept introduces the idea that people feel love in different ways. If you know your own love language, you'll be able to express to your partner how to show that he or she cares in a way that makes sense to you. (Whether that's by doing the dishes, saying "I love you," bringing home flowers, or something else).

In the same way, people have Learning Languages.

We are all smart in different ways. Some people can create a catchy song at the drop of a hat. Others can memorize everything in a book, paint a masterpiece, or be the center of attention.

Some people are able to learn best by listening to a lecture. Others are able to more deeply understand information if they write about it, have a discussion, or create something.

When you realize what your Learning Language is, you can figure out the best way to study. Based on Howard Gardner'’s theory of intelligence, the study tips in this slideshow can help you tailor your learning for your intelligence type (or Learning Language).

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Love of Words (Linguistic Intelligence)

Linguistic Intelligence
Thomas M. Scheer / EyeEm / Getty Images

Linguistically intelligent people are good with words, letters, and phrases.

They enjoy activities such as reading, playing scrabble or other word games, and having discussions.

If you’'re word smart, these study strategies can help:

- Take extensive notes (a program like Evernote might help)

•- Keep a journal of what you learn. Focus on summarizing.

- Create written flashcards for difficult concepts.

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Love of Numbers (Logical-Mathematical Intelligence)

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Hiroshi Watanabe / Stone / Getty Images

People with logical / mathematical intelligence are good with numbers, equations, and logic. They enjoy coming up with solutions to logical problems and figuring things out.

If you’'re number smart, give these strategies a try:

- Make your notes into numeric charts and graphs

- •Use the roman numeral style of outlining

•- Put information you receive into categories and classifications that you create 

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Love of Images (Spatial Intelligence)

Spatial Intelligence
Tara Moore / Taxi / Getty Images

Those with spatial intelligence are good with art and design. They enjoy being creative, watching movies, and visiting art museums.

Picture smart people can benefit from these study tips:

- Sketch pictures that go along with your notes or in the margins of your textbooks

- Draw a picture on a flashcard for each concept or vocabulary word you study

- Use charts and graphic organizers to keep track of what you learn

Buy a tablet that includes a stylus for sketching and drawing chats of what you're learning.

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Love of Movement (Kinesthetic Intelligence)

Kinesthetic Intelligence
Peathegee Inc / Blend Images / Getty Images

People with kinesthetic intelligence work well with their hands. They enjoy physical activity such as exercise, sports, and outdoor work.

These study strategies can help body smart people be successful:

- Act out or imagine the concepts you need to remember

- Look for real-life examples that demonstrate what you’re learning about

- Search for manipulatives, such as computer programs or Khan academy interactive demonstrations, that can help you master material

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Love of Music (Musical Intelligence)

Musical Intelligence
Hero Images / Getty Images

People with musical intelligence are good with rhythms and beats. They enjoy listening to music, attending concerts, and creating songs.

If you're music smart, these activities can help you study:

- Create a song or rhyme that will help you remember a concept

- •Listen to classical music while you study

- •Remember vocabulary words by linking them to similar-sounding words in your mind

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Love of People (Interpersonal Intelligence)

Interpersonal Intelligence
Sam Edwards / Caiaimage / Getty Images

Those with interpersonal intelligence are good at relating to people. They enjoy going to parties, visiting with friends, and sharing what they learn.

Students with interpersonal intelligence should give these strategies a try:

- Discuss what you learn with a friend or family member

- Have someone quiz you before an exam

- Create or join a study group

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Love of Self (Intrapersonal Intelligence)

Intrapersonal Intelligence
Tom Merton / Caiaimage / Getty Images

People with intrapersonal intelligence are comfortable with themselves. They enjoy being alone to think and reflect.

If you’'re an intrapersonal learner, try these tips:

- Keep a personal journal about what you’re learning

- Find a place to study where you won’t be interrupted

•- Keep yourself involved in assignments by individualizing each project, thinking about how it is meaningful to you and your future career

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Love of Nature (Naturalistic Intelligence)

Naturalistic Intelligence
Aziz Ary Neto / Cultura / Getty Images

People with naturalistic intelligence love being outdoors. They are good at working with nature, understanding life cycles, and viewing themselves as a part of the larger world of life.

If you're a naturalistic learner, give these study tips a try:

- Find a place in nature (that still has wi-fi) to complete your work rather than studying at a desk

- Think about how the subject you're studying applies to the natural world

- Process information by going on a long walk during your breaks

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Love of Mystery (Existential Intelligence)

Existential Intelligence
Dimitri Otis / Photographer's Choice / Getty Images

People with existential intelligence are compelled by the unknown. They enjoy considering the mysteries of the universe and often consider themselves to be highly spiritual.

If you rely on existential intelligence, consider these study tips:

- Calm your mind by meditating before you begin your studies each day.

- Consider the mysteries behind each subject (even those that may seem boring on the outside)

- Make connections between subjects you are studying and between your academic and spiritual life

Jamie Littlefield is a writer and instructional designer. She can be reached on Twitter or through her educational coaching website: jamielittlefield.com.

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Your Citation
Littlefield, Jamie. "What's Your Learning Language?" ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, thoughtco.com/whats-your-learning-language-1098398. Littlefield, Jamie. (2021, February 16). What's Your Learning Language? Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/whats-your-learning-language-1098398 Littlefield, Jamie. "What's Your Learning Language?" ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/whats-your-learning-language-1098398 (accessed May 8, 2024).